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There was no reply, so he went on with the act.
“Ladies and gentlemen.” He dragged Harmony in front of the crowd. She couldn’t walk fast because her feet were restricted by the 8” circle at the bottom of the costume. “This is Frosty. He’s only got one fear; can anyone guess what it is?”
“Summer!” called several people. Already, they were more involved in the act. Breck’s smile came easily and naturally, his muscles falling into it like they were made of marshmallows.
“Thaaat’s right!” He shoved his finger in the air, all while placing Harmony near the flash pot. He hadn’t thought he’d need it but had set up the top hat version as part of his backdrop. Now, he was glad he’d thought to fill it up. “We’re going to give him a little scare and see what happens. Are you ready to help?”
The applause was thick with anticipation. More people stopped, curious. Several held up phones, filming.
He cupped his hand around his mouth. “When I count to three, we’re going to yell summer and see what happens.”
He held up one finger. The group took a breath. 2 fingers. They opened their mouths. Three fingers and they unleashed, “SUMMER!”
Breck stepped on the button to set off the flash pot, and a puff of smoke filled the air. The people on the front row coughed and waved their hands in front of their faces. Breck held his breath. This was the moment when Harmony slipped away and joined the back of the crowd.
He could just make out her form … shoot. She missed the cue. He didn’t even care! He was so happy to see her. She stood there holding a big sign that said “You Melted My Frozen Heart.”
He blinked. Wait. That wasn’t supposed to happen. What?
You melted …
Suddenly, it dawned on him. She hadn’t come to help him finish his last show. She’d come for him. He rushed her, picking her up around the middle and spinning in a circle. The melting snowman fabric ripped beneath his big boots. Oh well. He’d have to come up with another trick—although Harmony had made this one a thousand times better than he had imagined.
Harmony dropped the sign and framed his face in her gloves. “Will you come home with me for Christmas?”
He laughed. “Yes!” Setting her down, he fanned his face and turned towards the crowd. “I thought she’d never ask,” he said playfully. They laughed. Ladies put their hands over their hearts and oohed and aahed. Men nodded their approval—looking at him like he had game. He wouldn’t correct them, but his secret was caring about Harmony more than he could tell.
Harmony leaned into his side. “And we can talk about after Christmas over eggnog.”
“It sounds like heaven.”
The crowd began to disperse. “I’ll help you clean up,” Harmony offered.
Breck gave her another kiss on the cheek—just to make sure she was real and not some figment of Christmas magic that would melt with the snow. “I’ll go get the cameras.”
He reached for the one on the store lamp and cut the zip tie. As he turned around, he saw Harmony talking to a man in black winter boots and a tan coat. A sense of familiarity washed over him as the man lifted his hat in goodbye and white hair appeared.
“Who was that?” he asked as she came over, her arms full of fabric.
“It was the same guy who was at your first show. He was standing in front of me, and when you called me up, he pushed me forward.” She looked over her shoulder. “He’s gone …”
Breck put his arm around her and hugged her close. “He looked like my grandpa—same coat, same boots, same hair.”
Her mouth fell open. “He had gray eyes—just like you.” They both turned and stared down the street in the direction they thought he’d walked. “He’s gone.”
Breck shook his head. “I don’t think he’s too far away.” He ran his thumb along her jaw and then bent to kiss her. Thanks, Grandpa, he thought. Spending Christmas with Harmony was the best gift he’d ever been given.
Chapter Sixteen
Christmas Eve
A yule log cracked in the fireplace while Harmony and Breck drank Grandma’s eggnog. Bing Crosby sang softly in the background. The stockings were hung by the mantel with care and presents bulged under the tree.
“I think my parents like you.” Harmony angled herself toward him.
Breck’s arm rested on the back of the couch, and he began to play with her loose curls. “I hope so. They’re wonderful people. I can see so much of them in you.”
She leaned into his hand, and he cupped her cheek. “All I ever wanted was to be like them.”
He smiled softly, his eyes dipping to her lips. She leaned in, inviting a Christmas Eve kiss.
Breck took his time, leaving her breathless and giddy all at once. He hugged her close and she melted into him, not at all surprised that she fit just right.
“I love you, Harmony,” he whispered into her hair. She sighed into him, his strong body accepting and supporting her. “I know it’s crazy, and I’m not trying to scare you off. I feel it so strongly. I’m sorry if it’s too soon.”
She lifted up so she could look him in the eye. “It’s not crazy, because I feel it too.”
His eyes softened and he ran his hand through her hair.
“I love you, Breck. I’ve been hoping for you all my life.”
He kissed her in response. And it was perfect: the warmth from the fire, the lights on the tree, and the sweet eggnog dancing on their lips. Harmony’s heart lifted and healed and grew all at the same time. Breck was a future she wanted to embrace. His kiss said that he wanted to love and be loved. That was all. There were no strings, no games, no agendas. Just love.
Pure and simple love between them.
That was a Christmas gift she would cherish forever.
One Year Later
“No messing with the act this time,” Breck said out of the corner of his mouth before he rushed onstage.
Harmony’s laugh did little to assuage his worry. Ever since her Christmas surprise with the melting snowman, she’d looked for ways to astonish him—throwing in twists to his illusions. His followers—well, their followers—on MyHeartChannel loved it when she got him.
But tonight they were performing for a private group. It was his highest-paid live gig to date, and he was nervous. Harmony would waddle onstage in the melting snowman costume after he’d warmed up the crowd with a few simple tricks and some dad jokes.
The last year had brought a lot of changes into his life, all of them magnificent.
First, his channel had gone viral. The melting snowman with a side of romance was a hit. He and Harmony made enough money that he didn’t have to find a videographer job and she was able to work part time. They put together several more acts for each holiday but decided to keep the channel name Christmas Magic because it had brought them together.
Second, he’d started a second business performing live. Of course, his lovely assistant was on hand to make sure things went smoothly—or didn’t; if she felt like throwing a kink in things, she did that too. He loved that she was deeply invested and having a lot of fun.
Third—and this probably should have been first—they’d gotten married last Easter. The wedding was beautiful but simple. She didn’t want a big affair, and he only wanted her. They tied the knot on a boat in the harbor, the ship’s captain performing the marriage ceremony and the crew serving dinner to their 20 guests.
Focusing on the crowd, which he could hardly see because of the spotlights, he fell into performance mode. He did a card trick with the president of the company who’d hired them to perform at the Christmas party. The guy loved it. He’d recommend them to his golf buddies for sure. Then Breck gave the introduction for the melting snowman trick. They’d managed to work it out so only a puddle was left onstage and he’d jump into it. The crowds loved it.
“And this is my lovely assistant—” He feigned exasperation. “Frosty, I told you, it’s not your turn.”<
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Frosty shrugged.
“You know what happens when you interrupt my show.” He wagged a finger.
Frosty ran around the stage, eliciting laughter.
Breck held up both hands. “What’s a magician supposed to do?” He snapped his fingers and stepped on the button for the flash pot. The smoke cleared, and Harmony stood there. He shook his head. What was she up to this time?
She waved at the crowd. “Hi, everyone!” They clapped for the trick, and some kids waved hello. “Do you know hard it is trick a magician?”
They grew silent.
“Especially one you’re married to?” She pulled a large deck of cards from behind her back and fanned them out. “Pick a card.” She winked at the crowd.
They leaned forward, wondering what she was up to. Breck wondered the same thing. But his wife was pretty much the most amazing woman ever, so he went with it. Stepping forward, he picked a card.
“Don’t look at it,” she instructed.
He laughed. “This isn’t how it works.”
“Just show it to these nice people, but don’t look.”
He turned and held the card so he could only see the back. The crowd gasped and giggled. Whatever was on there was getting a great response. He turned back to Harmony. “Now what?”
“Place it in the deck.”
He did.
She shuffled the cards and then grinned. “Are you ready?”
The crowd cheered. Man, they really liked this one. Breck was dying to know what she was up to.
“One. Two. Three!” She threw the cards in the air, and suddenly it was raining pink and blue balloons and confetti. He stared. What …?
Harmony turned him to face the back of the stage. In large, sparkling letters were the words “You’re Going to Be a Daddy.”
He took off his top hat and threw it in the air. Two turtledoves broke out and flew away. “Shoot, there goes my next trick,” he said, making the audience roar.
“I think your trick is coming in 9 months!” called the owner of the company. The noise level grew.
Breck scooped Harmony into his arms and kissed her good.
“Are you okay with this?” she whispered just for him. They hadn’t planned to have a baby so soon—at least he hadn’t. Maybe she had. Maybe that was all part of the trick. If it was, it only made him love her more.
“I’m ecstatic.” He nuzzled her neck right in the spot that made her knees go weak. “I love you forever, Harmony Mitchell.”
Awww. His mic must have picked up his words.
She buried her face in his chest, embarrassed. “I love you too.”
He hugged her close, a promise that he would snuggle her properly that night, and then stepped back. “We have a show to do, Mrs. Mitchell. Ladies and gentlemen, the only woman who has ever out-tricked me, my wife and lovely assistant, and now the mother of my child …” His eyes clouded with gratitude for this woman. “Harmony.”
Harmony crossed her ankles and gave a bow. She blew him a kiss and headed offstage to set up their next illusion.
Breck had to gather himself before he could go on. “Sorry,” he said to the crowd. “My life just got exponentially better. I love Christmas!”
We hope you enjoyed this Christmas romance. There are more MyHeartChannel Christmas Romances available. Click here to get “Christmas Cam” the next book in the series.`
This story is a clean contemporary Cinderella novel you can't miss.
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Now Available from Bestselling and Award-Winning Author Lucy McConnell
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The Academic Bride
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The Athletic Groom
The Corporate Groom
The Snow Valley Series
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Love in Light and Shadow
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Royal Distraction
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About the Author
Lucy McConnell has always been a reader and a writer. She writes fantasy, clean romance, Christian romance, historical fiction, and cookbooks under the name Christina Dymock.
When she’s not writing, you can find her volunteering at the elementary school or the church; shuttling kids to baseball, soccer, basketball, or rodeo, depending on the time of year; skiing with her family; wake boarding; cycling; or curled up with a good book.
You can sign up for her newsletter by clicking here and can check out here website here: http://lucymcconnell.wordpress.com/